Sunday, December 11, 2011

Final PLN Report

When I first started using my Symbaloo I was not the biggest fan and never thought that I would ever love it as much as I do now! I now have it set as my homepage and use it everyday. I love how convenient Symbaloo is and how I can customize it just the way I want it. I enjoy being able to access all of the sights that I tend to visit on a daily biases. I have every intention to continue to use my Symbaloo after this semester is over!

Blog Post #13

For this assignment I have chosen to do the second choice which was to read Stephanie Banchero and Stephanie Simo article My Teacher is An App. I really enjoyed reading this article, before reading this I did not realize how many students where beginning to choose to do there complete school load from home.

In this article Stephanie discuses how many more states have now began to allow for children to participate in a curriculum where all of there schooling is done at home on the computer. I found this to be interesting because I was not aware this was an option for high school students, I have only herd of this being done at a college level. I do think that this is a great option to have for some students who may come across health issues or special situations that would prevent them from being able to attend an actual high school, but I do not think I would support this for an average student. I believe that going to school does not only help students grow and learn on a mental level but also on a social level. Students need interaction with other peers to help learn social skills to make it in the future. I do however like the idea of hybrid classes, I believe students do need to be introduced to the idea of school work being done on the computer in high school because they will see this again in collage. I believe as educators we play a bigger role then just helping our students learn materials, we help them grow and learn who they are and what they can amount to. I do not believe at 15 and 17 years old students are at a maturity level to be held fully responsible for there education along with the help of a computer source. Technology is a wonderful tool that we can do great things with but I believe at a high school level you physically need to be in a classroom with guidance to get the most out of it.