Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

 Watch Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
In this is how We Dram Parts 1 and 2 Dr. Miller made some really great points. This video is about the importance of using the resources we have available to us.  I found this video to be very motivating. This video helped remind me that keeping up with technology is possible and can take you anywhere. 
Technology has become such in important part of our everyday lives now.  In EDM310 we are using many forms of technology that I have never herd of, at the beginning of the semester this overwhelmed me but now I know that it is not a scary thing. I now know that technology can be a great tool in the classroom.  

 Learn to Change, Change to Learn
In this video Lean to Change, Change to Learn I was amazed to see how many people do not even value education and technology. After now being in EDM310 I think that the classroom needs to be kept updated with new advanced technology as it constantly changes. We as future teacher shouldn't be left behind in the classrooms. I believe that students do not need to just memorized facts but they also need to know what to do with it. I really got alot out of this video and believe that I will use the information to help benefit my future classroom.

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